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Using AWS with Toolchest

Toolchest supports reading and writing from your S3 buckets. You can also run Toolchest within your own AWS account, so the files you pass to inputs and output_path aren't transferred outside your account.

Input Files

Files stored on S3 can be passed in as inputs, using the file's S3 URI. For example: s


Output to S3

Some tools support uploading outputs directly to your custom S3 bucket. For these runs, put the S3 bucket + prefix in output_path. For example:


Custom Databases

For some tools, you can use use a custom database stored on S3 using custom_database_path:


Toolchest needs permission to list and copy all of the files in the S3 prefix you use.

Granting Permissions to Toolchest to Access Your S3 Bucket

To grant Toolchest access to your S3 bucket, use this policy:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Toolchest",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::172533437917:role/toolchest-worker-node-role"
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

(Make sure to replaceYOUR_BUCKET_NAME with your bucket)

You can restrict this to specific files or prefixes with whatever IAM policy you'd like, just make sure that Toolchest has s3:GetObject for any file you'll use with Toolchest and s3:ListBucket permissions for any prefix.

After you add this policy, let us know and we'll complete the setup process!

Running Toolchest in Your Own AWS Account

You can run Toolchest in your own AWS account, and the data that you pass to inputs and output_path doesn't leave your own AWS environment. Get in touch with us if you'd like to know more!