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Output Objects

Every Toolchest run returns an object containing the run ID (run_id), local paths to downloaded output files (output_path), and more.

As an example, we'll use the output from this test function call, but you can do this for any Toolchest tool:

import toolchest_client as tc

toolchest_output = tc.test(

Run Metadata

The run_id instance variable contains the ID of the Toolchest run, stored as a string.

Likewise, the output_path instance variable contains local paths to downloaded output files.

>>> toolchest_output.run_id
'00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000'  # this will be your custom run ID
>>> toolchest_output.output_path

You can store and use the run_id check the run's status with Async Runs.

output_path will be a string (for 1 output file), a list of strings (for multiple output files), or a null value (if download was skipped).


You can also directly call the download function from the output object to download (or re-download) the outputs.

However, keep in mind that Toolchest only retains your job's output for 7 days after job execution.